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The 2020 LEC Spring split played out its 4th week of matches this past week meaning we are almost halfway through the split. A few surprising things happened this week and as such we have plenty to talk about! If you missed any of the games from week 3 make sure to check out our LEC Week 3 Review and if you’re new to the LEC make sure to check out our event page here! As I promised on Twitter, here's a look into the MAD Lions match against Fnatic. Fnatic has been a really volatile team. On the one hand they have challenged G2, but have also lost to Origen and now to MAD Lions. This time around, it wasn't just Fnatic's weakness that brought them down but MAD Lions level of play in the match. Bot Lane has had a particularly high ceiling and particularly low floor. Hylissang is the best player in the league on a good day, but Nautilus does not seem to fit the man at all. Prior to this week, Hylissang claimed "Most Deaths in One Match" for the season. Caps took this title on Friday, and in this match Hylissang did his best to get the crown back. Of course, credit must also be given to Carzzy, who, despite being a rookie, has taken Bot Lane as his kingdom and feels like he is improving his game in every match. Carzzy took advantage of Fnatic's weak bot lane matchup and Shadow also played well in the Jungle. Fnatic didn't quite get ahold of the game at any point. MAD Lions were the better team, and Fnatic seemed to panic under pressure and forced fights that didn't need to be forced. Although MAD Lions' victory over Fnatic was surprising, it doesn’t even come close to the G2 Schalke match. G2 Esports had to face some of the hardest opponents in the first three weeks and this week was supposed to be a bit easier. G2 Esports came into this week with a 6-0 record and the team should have been 8-0. In Friday's match against Misfits Gaming, G2 clearly tried new things. Wunder's Soraka was banned out, so the team tried Sona in the Top Lane. At the same time, it opened up the possibility for Perkz to play Yasuo Mid Lane and they put Jankos on Gragas. It can be said that this trio did not work for the G2 squad and Misfits did not give G2 the ability to make optimal use of Sona. However, the biggest surprise was seen in Bot Lane, where the slowly rising Bvoy completely destroyed Caps along with his support denyk and jungler Razork. Caps died nine times in this game.Misfits showed that the winning streak of four matches was no coincidence, and besides Bvoy,Razork emerged in this match. Everyone else has given up Ekko Jungle, but for Razork it was a solid comfort pick. If the loss to Misfits was enough of a surprise, it was nothing compared to what was seen on Saturday. With a seven match losing streak and two experienced players replacing the rookie, Schalke 04 convincingly toppled G2 Esports. The David vs. Goliath setup was more even than originally speculated. Most of the viewers were probably headed for a pizza while waiting for the main matches of the evening, but the ones who stayed got their money's worth in entertainment. This time, G2 did not try anything strange, but played a very meta-safe combination. Nevertheless, Schalke completely destroyed G2. G2 tried to create situations from the start of the game, but time and time again Schalke turned them over. Innaxe, who played his second LEC match steamrolled on Ezreal. 8/2/11 stats for Innaxe and 7/0/9 Odoamne tell a harsh story about the match. In simple terms, Schalke played much better than G2. They didn't need any surprising picks, weird tactics or anything like that, they played the game in a very traditional way, responded to G2’s games and won almost every objective and teamfight. Origen 1-0 MAD Lions The teams looked even coming into this match but Origen's third week was not very convincing while MAD Lions had increased their winning streak in previous weeks. The reality, however, was that Origen was clearly the better team in this match. Origen controlled the events of the game and MAD Lions were able to respond to them elsewhere for a certain amount of time. However, as the game progressed, the ability of MAD Lions to respond to Origen's play diminished and diminished until, just before half an hour, crucial battles were seen and Origen did not pre-empt the destruction of Nexus. Moreover, the combination chosen by Origen was more scalable, so even if these crucial battles had not gone as planned, Origen would still have been in a safe position. It was nice to see that Origen didn't rely on scaling this time, but was actively looking for a fight. The tweets of the week so far have been mostly memes, but this time I want to highlight a tweet from LEC matchmaking expert Vedic looking at successful newcomers in the early part of the season. The LEC has seen a tremendous amount of newcomers this season, and some have gone much faster than expected. So here's the big hat-raiser Razork (MAD Lions), Denyk (Misfits Gaming), Shadow (MAD Lions), Kaiser (MAD Lions) and Innaxe (Schalke 04). In addition to these, Carzzy, representing MAD Lions, has definitely been on the list.
LEC Spring 2020 Week 4 Review
MAD Lions vs Fnatic
G2 vs Misfits Gaming
G2 vs Schalke 04
LEC Week 4 Matches
Match of the Week
Tweet of the Week
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