The story of Kanavi
Kanavi has made his name known tho whole world despite drama around Griffin and his contract.
The teams have all played twelve games a piece and the table gets more and more… even. We saw some interesting developments, TL going 2-0 without Doublelift, TSM going 0-2 and looking worse than even CLG, and Cloud9 losing a Mid tower for the first time this Split. There is a lot to cover so if you missed any of the games from last week make sure to check out our Week 5 Review and if you are new to the LCS then take a look at our Tournament Page here! If FLY is the only real challenge for C9 left in the league, then they pretty much already won the playoffs. Blaber, Zven, and Nisqy continue to run away with the game while Licorice and Vulcan provide support. There were some impressive moves from FLY coming out from PowerOfEvil and Santorin but without even a tower in their name this game was over before it ever began. To the credit of FLY they took the Varus, they took the Lee Sin, they picked Aatrox, they played the game correctly, but it just isn’t enough to stop C9, not here, not ever. Before we get into this one, I want to be the first to say that, while TL LOOKED better with Tactical in over Doublelift (Doublelift became ill and was subbed out) they aren’t necessarily doing better because of that. The full TL roster only got to play together a little over a full week between Broxah coming and DL getting sick. More on that later. The only death on the TL side in this series came from Impact in the top lane, who went 5/1/5 on Sett. Broxah hard camped Broken Blade’s Kayle and while Dardoch wasn’t a big impact Jungler on the Sejuani, TSM opted into putting Bjergsen on Maokai. The idea is solid with the likes of Ornn being played everywhere and Sion/Garen/Balmi builders popping up in solo que more and more, but that’s a champion for the likes of Ryoma, Froggen, or Goldenglue to play. Dardoch could have done more for the team but realistically there wasn’t much more he could have. Kobbe and Biofrost had the Varus/Tahm Kench Bot duo and didnt execute it even close to correctly. This game was much more TSM losing than it was TL winning. One of the biggest surprises of the week was GG coming out on top in this one in such a dominant fashion. Both of these teams have the biggest question mark over them, they are true wildcards and this match was proof of that. GG had a deathless game and if they hadn’t given up a tower as well as 2 of the 4 Drakes, they would have had a Perfect Game against a team favored higher than them. Everyone showed up except for FBI but honestly, that goes to show the ceiling of this GG squad where they can wipe teamfights and out macro opponents without their ADC participating. Immortals need to find their center and Xmithie needs to stay off of the Jarvin if they are to succeed in the future because this team looked bad from the squad. Seeing Meteos on the Rek’Sai this game was really something else. After the tough couple of weeks the squad had this was a crucial match for the team moving forward. Kumo played Zac Top which, may or may not have played a part in their loss but then again, Svenskeren went 1/8/7 on Lee Sin and that just can’t be accepted coming out of the 2019 Honda MVP player. Everyone on the 100T squad showed up on the day but seeing Meteos perform here should boost the confidence of the team and fans alike. This is the match that people will remember, as well as why Doublelift will be splitting time with a rookie ADC. Impact contributed nothing to this game other than pressure, Broxah outperformed Meteos, and Jensen was always a higher caliber player than Ryoma. The Bot lane gap in this match was a lot bigger than any other lane however, Tactical on the Kalista finished with nearly double the gold of Cody Sun, but the Ezreal pick wasn’t their first choice either, the draft was impeccable out of TL and the Taric/Kalista Bot lane ended up stomping the Ezreal/Yuumi. Maybe giving Doublelift more motivation to win is the right move, but I am of the opinion that they would have won this week with Doublelift if the rest of the team showed up in this form. Good on Tactical though, it can’t be easy living in the shadow of Doublelift. People were mentioning that the Johnsun hype was dead after DIG’s recent slump in the standings, but he was the only player on his team with a gold advantage by the end of the game. A lot of that had to do with the fact that the Senna was in fact the Support while the Nuat was the AP Carry in the Bot lane. Playing Senna how she was meant to be played turns out to work well? Who knew. Santorin and PowerOfEvil of course showed up once again and the team composition really complimented itself. Dignitas should probably start looking into utilizing their academy roster if they want to make playoffs because as it stands, they aren’t looking too promising. The El Classico match up went the other way this time around and it was all on the back of Pobelter and his Victor. Pobelter could really turn this CLG squad around all on his own if the rest of his games go this way. The good for TSM was the Ezreal/Senna Bot lane duo which turned out to be rather scary even as Broken Blade died for the Nth time in a teamfight. TSM clearly have more than just draft to worry about in the last 3 weeks but for once, a Jungler isn’t one of them. Just as GG showed us their ceiling, they showed us their floor this week. EG also adopted the Senna Support but this time incorporated a Rumble instead of a Naut, and it proved to be even more efficient. Goldenglue lost the Orianna side of the Ori/Syndra match but the biggest disappointment this time around was Closer on the Sejuani who just got outplayed by Svenskeren on the Lee Sin, for once. Not the most telling game by any means but once again, take a look at our standing to understand the absolute clump of teams in between C9 and CLG If there was a match to go back and watch, this is it. It was an extremely close game that made you cheer for both teams at the same time, the gold difference at the end of it was 2.5k in favor of IMT, the kill score was 15-18 in favor of CLG, both teams had 2 Barons and almost equal towers. The biggest, and really only difference, was Immortals getting Dragon Soul and Elder Drake. This match was LCK on steroids as the two teams duked it out and often broke even, lasting all the way up until one team got the endgame buff. CLG may get some votes next week. Cloud9 finally lost their first Mid turret, and Licorice outplayed Huni and Grig at every opportunity. Licorice on the Aatrox was up against Huni on the Lucian Top lane with Ignite and a Grig on Elise, but only died once the entire game. Blaber took advantage of his Top lakers abilities and played Bot side, slowly snowballing the game to the point where C9 just suffocated DIG until there was nothing left. The standings speak for themselves really, we know nothing other than C9 are the best and CLG are the worst, but this week may or may not have shown that CLG could climb up the standings under the right conditions. FlyQuest is also only a few games away from securing a playoff spot and it seems as though they may be able to do it before third place is even sorted out. The good news is that our predictions move up to a 50/50 split at 30-30 after this week, if TSM had shown up this week we would have a much nicer looking scoreline but lesson learned and quite frankly, next week is going to be harder than ever to predict so make sure to look for our Week 7 Preview! LCS Spring 2020 Week 6 Review
LCS Spring 2020 Week 6 Matches
Cloud9 1-0 FlyQuest
Team Liquid 1-0 TeamSoloMid
Golden Guardians 1-0 Immortals
100 Thieves 1-0 Evil Geniuses
Team Liquid 1-0 100 Thieves
Dignitas 0-1 FlyQuest
Counter Logic Gaming 1-0 Team SoloMid
Evil Geniuses 1-0 Golden Guardians
Immortals 1-0 Counter Logic Gaming
Cloud9 1-0 Dignitas
LCS Spring 2020 Week 6 Standings
1. Cloud9 12-0 2. FlyQuest 8-4 3. Team Liquid 6-6 - Immortals 6-6 - Team SoloMid 6-6 6. 100 Thieves 5-7 - Team Dignitas 5-7 - Golden Guardians 5-7 - Evil Geniuses 5-7 10 Counter Logic Gaming 2-10 All LOL News
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